Sabtu, 21 Desember 2013

Pemenang Travel Photography Awards 2013

Mulai dari anak laki-laki yang bermain skateboard hingga monyet yang sedang mandi, gambar-gambar luar biasa ini diambil dari dokumen Travel Photography Awards 2013 yang menyuguhkan keanekaragaman kehidupan dan budaya di seluruh dunia. Pemenang utama diraih oleh Briton Timothy Allen asal Inggris, yang mendapatkan hadiah sebesar £5,000 (sekitar Rp98,7 juta). Karyanya akan dipamerkan di Royal Geographical Society, London,  mulai 11 Juli 2014, bersama dengan semua karya dari para pemenang dan runner up di kategori lainnya.

Cutty Sark Award for the Travel Photographer of the Year 2013: Timothy Allen, UK. A young boy looks at the camera with soulful eyes during the replastering of a mosque in Djenné, Mali. (Timothy Allen/

Cutty Sark Award for the Travel Photographer of the Year 2013: Timothy Allen, Inggris. Seorang anak laki-laki menatap ke arah kamera dengan sorot mata yang menunjukkan perasaan terdalam mereka ketika memplester sebuah masjid di Djenne, Mali. (Timothy Allen/

Cutty Sark Award for the Travel Photographer of the Year 2013: Timothy Allen, UK. A woman shelters from the rain in Dogon Country, Mali. (Timothy Allen/

Cutty Sark Award for the Travel Photographer of the Year 2013: Timothy Allen, Inggris. Seorang wanita berteduh dari hujan di Dogon Country, Mali. Timothy 

Cutty Sark Award for the Travel Photographer of the Year 2013: Timothy Allen, UK. Women walk home across the sand to their village, Dogon Country, Mali. (Timothy Allen/

Cutty Sark Award for the Travel Photographer of the Year 2013: Timothy Allen, Inggris. Para wanita berjalan pulang melintasi padang pasir menuju ke desa mereka, Dogon County, Mali. (Timothy Allen/

Winner of 'One Shot': Justin Mott, USA. A woman shares a dip with an elephant in Phuket, Thailand. (Justin Mott/

Pemenang ‘One Shot’: Justin Mott, Amerika Serikat. Seorang wanita berenang bersama seekor gajah di Phuket, Thailand. (Justin Motti/

Winner of 'Vanishing & Emerging Cultures: Best Single Image in a Portfolio': Roberto Nistri, Italy. Hindu holy men rush into the Ganges during the Kumbh Mela, one of the world’s biggest religi

Pemenang ‘Vanishing & Emerging Cultures: Best Sigle Image in a Portfolio’: Roberto Nistri, Italia. Orang-orang suci Hindu berlarian ke Sungai Gangga selama Kumbh Mela, salah satu pertemuan keagamaan terbesar di dunia, yang dilakukan di Allahabad, India. (Roberto Nistri/

Winner of 'Vanishing and Emerging Cultures': Gavin Gough, Thailand. A boy who is a member of the Kolkata skateboarding community leaps through an open window of a derelict building in India. (

Pemenang ‘Vanishing & Emerging Cultures: Best Sigle Image in a Portfolio’: Gavin Gough, Thailand. Seorang anak laki-laki, anggota dari komunitas skateboard Kolkata, melompat melalui jendela yang terbuka di sebuah bangunan kumuh di India. (Gavin Gough/

Winner of 'First Shot, En Route': Stuart Draper, UK. A passersby looks to be in danger from the tram - but it is just a mural in Santa Teresa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Stuart Draper/ www.tpoty

Pemenang ‘First Shot, En Route’: Stuart Draper, Inggris. Sebuah mural bergambar trem atau kereta listrik berwarna kuning di Santa Teresa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Stuart Draper/

Winner of 'New Talent: Metropolis': Tom Pepper, UK. Instantly recognisable yellow taxis pass by the Flatiron building in New York City, USA. (Tom Pepper/

Pemenang ‘New Talent: Metropolis’: Tom Pepper, Inggris. Taksi kuning yang mudah dikenal berlalu lalang di depan gedung Flatiron di New York City, Amerika Serikat. (Tom Pepper/

Winner of 'New Talent: Metropolis': Tom Pepper, UK. Bright lights and vibrant colours bring Times Square alive in New York City. (Tom Pepper/

Pemenang ‘New Talent: Metropolis’: Tom Pepper, Inggris. Lampu yang bersinar dengan warna-warna cerah membuat Times Square di New York City tampak hidup. (Tom Lada /

Joint winner of 'Wild Stories': Jasper Doest, Netherlands. An adult and child Japanese Macaque bathes in hot water in the Monkey Park, Japan. (Jasper Doest/

Pemenang gabungan ‘Wild Stories’: Jasper Doest, Belanda. Seekor monyet Jepang dewasa dan anaknya mandi air panas di Monkey Park, Jepang. (Jasper Doest/

Joint winner of 'Wild Stories': Jasper Doest, Netherlands. A Japanese Macaque closes its eyes in the rain, Jigokudani Monkey Park, Yamanouchi, Shimotakai District, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. (J

Pemenang gabungan ‘Wild Stories’: Jasper Doest, Belanda. Seekor monyet asal Jepang menutup matanya saat hujan turun di Jogokudani Monkey Park, Tamanouchi, Distrik Shimotakai, Prefektur Nagano, Jepang. (Jasper Doest/

Joint Winner of 'Wild Stories': Johnny Haglund, Norway. A young boy, who belongs to a family of alligator hunter, holds a gun and shoots the animal under the watchful eyes of his grandfather w

Pemenang gabungan ‘Wild Stories’: Johnny Haglund, Norwegia. Seorang anak laki-laki dari keluarga pemburu aligator, memegang pistol dan menembak aligator di bawah pengawasan kakeknya yang merupakan pemburu profesional. Anak laki-laki ini, yang foto ini diambil di Lac des Allemands, Louisiana, AS, berencana meneruskan usaha keluarganya saat ia dewasa. (Johnny Haglund/

Winner of 'The Young Travel Photographer of the Year': Jonathan Rystrøm, aged 14, Denmark. A tourist watches the world go by in The Strada, Dubrovnik, Croatia. (Jonathan Rystrøm/

Pemenang 'The Young Travel Photographer of the Year': Jonathan Rystrøm, berusia 14 tahun, Denmark. Seorang wisatawan melihat orang-orang berlalu-lalang di The Strada, Dubrovnik, Kroasia. (Jonathan Rystrøm/

Cutty Sark Award for the Travel Photographer of the Year 2013: Timothy Allen, UK. A woman pours butter tea in her house in Laya, Laya Province, Bhutan. The tea is made from tea leaves, yak butter and

Cutty Sark Award for the Travel Photographer of the Year 2013: Timothy Allen, Inggris. Seorang wanita menuangkan butter tea atau teh mentega, di rumahnya di Laya, Provinsi Laya, Bhutan. Teh tersebut terbuat dari daun teh, mentega dan garam. (Timothy Allen/

Winner of 'Wild Stories, Best Single Image in a Portfolio': Peter Downing, UK. A kingfisher catches its lunch in Worcestershire, UK. (Peter Downing/

Pemenang ‘Wild Stories, Best Single Image in a Portfolio’: Peter Downing, Inggris. Seekor burung pekakak menangkap mangsanya di Worcestershire, Inggris. (Peter Downing/

Winner of the 'Young Travel Photograher of the Year, Age 15-18': Chase Guttman, age 17, USA. Spot Santa: Dozens in costumes wait for the start of the Santa Run in New York City, USA. (Chase Gu

Pemenang ‘Young Travel Photograher of the Year, Age 15-18': Chase Guttman, berusia 17 tahun, Amerika Serikat. Spot Santa: Puluhan orang berpakaian Santa menunggu dimulainya acara Santa Run di New York City, Amerika Serikat. (Chase Guttman/

Winner of the 'Young Travel Photographer of the Year, Age 15-18': Chase Guttman, age 17, USA. Feathers fly in a pillow fight in New York City. (Chase Guttman/

Pemenang ‘Young Travel Photograher of the Year, Age 15-18': Chase Guttman, berusia 17 tahun, Amerika Serikat. Bulu-bulu berterbangan dalam acara pukul bantal di New York City. (Chase Guttman/

Winner of 'Young TPOTY Age 14 and Under': Patria Prasasya, aged 10, Indonesia. Ants climb onto food in Surabaya, Indonesia. (Patria Prasasya/

Pemenang 'Young TPOTY Age 14 and Under': Patria Prasasya, berusia 10 tahun, Indonesia. Semut-semut tengah menaiki makanannya di Surabaya, Indonesia. (Patria Prasasya /

Winner of Monochromal: Jino Lee, Singapore. A fisherman in Dong Jiang River, Hunan, China, appears isolated on a rippling river. (Jino Lee/

Pemenang Monochromal: Jino Lee, Singapura. Seorang nelayan di Sungai Dong Jiang, Hunan, China, berada di tengah sungai. (Jino Lee/

Sumber: Yahoo

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